Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Being Critical Readers

Today we looked carefully at some other fifth graders' writing..  Your children used a checklist of what is expected in 5th grade writing and looked carefully at someone else's work.  They did an amazing job and were totally engaged.  After this, they then tried to be critical readers of their own work to improve their own pieces.
It is so much easier to find errors in someone else's  writing!!

He was supposed to be looking at the writing, NOT the camera!

Farm 2 School

We had Farm 2 School Halloween Week.  Your children made a dish with roasted golden beets, carrots, and a balsamic honey glaze.  They LOVED it!!
Feeling the new vegetable in the Mystery Box!

Master Beet Cutter!

Miss Meg used the induction burner to make the glaze.