Friday, June 14, 2019

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Field Day

We had a beautiful day for our Field Day today.  In this post and the next few are some pictures from today. Enjoy!

Clamming for Marbles

At this station children had to move gems from the pool to the bowl using only their toes.  Brody was really good at this!

Pool Noodle Relay

Relay teams took turns racing to pick up pool noodles.  The first person picked up one noodle, the second person picked up another one for a total of two, the third person picked up another one for a total of three... As you can see, these kids were NOT the first person on their teams to do the relay!!

Squirting Blind

One station we went to was where one partner was blindfolded, and had a squirt bottle.  Their partner guided them around and would say "squirt" for them to squirt someone. This was my personal favorite today!

More Field Day

At this station we played Sharks and Minnows and Tunnel Tag.  

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Presents and Failed Farmers

We got some presents in the mail today.  You might ask your child about them.  Hint:  peacock feathers!

We learned a lot about plants this spring, but we were not very successful farmers.  I confess, I must take much of the blame.  I went away for Memorial Day weekend and didn't have anyone come in to water our babies.  So... not many are still alive, and those that are look a bit like these sad plants.  Any that look like they have a chance of living were sent home this week.