Saturday, September 28, 2019

Lone Rock Point

Lone Rock Point is behind Burlington High School.  We parked the bus, then made a short hike on some beautiful trails down to the lake.  This is a site that people from all over the world come to because they are able to see an interesting geological phenomenon.  In this spot, due to the Champlain Thrust Fault, younger rock (Dunham Dolomite)  is actually on top of older rock (Iberville Shale).  This defies the Law of Superposition.  Pretty cool--AND your fourth grader should be able to explain that to you (just in case YOU are not a geologist!).

Salmon Hole

Salmon Hole is just off Riverside Avenue.  Here students are exploring.  Note the angle of the rocks. These rocks were lifted up by magma beneath the earth as part of the Champlain Thrust Fault.  Your child might be able to tell you more.

More at Salmon Hole

Our first stop on Friday's field trip was Salmon Hole. Students notice Ripple marks in the stone from when the rocks we were sitting on were sand in the Iapetus Ocean.  Also evident was how the river has carved out a path and worn away much of the rock. Here you see students doing some work documenting what they saw there.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Fruit Fly Trap

We have had a fly and fruit fly problem in our classroom.  Our friend Myles said he knew how to make a trap.  So he did. 
According to our resident fruit fly expert, Myles the apple cider vinegar attracts the fruit flies. They go in the paper cone, but cannot get out.  We have been having fun watching this contraption work and we all have been much less distracted without the fruit flies flying around.  Lexi and Gio made another one for Miss Kane who was also having a fruit fly problem.  I love fourth graders!!

Friday, September 6, 2019

Smile Docs

Medical students from UVM came in today for a program called Smile Docs.  We learned about the nervous system today.

These students were looking at slides of brain tissue.  


Mary showed us three charts of Lake Champlain--these didn't cover the whole lake, just sections of it.
Keegan and Wisely worked together to figure out the depths in the different parts of their "lake".


Here are some intrepid sailors.
Myles was raising the gib.  Not sure what that means?  Ask your fourth grader!

Sailing Field Trip

Today was our first field trip.  We went to the Community Sailing Center.  Before we got on the water or did any activities, we first listened to safety rules:  WALK everywhere, no throwing rocks (hard to resist when you're near the water), and to be EXTRA kind to our classmates and the adults teaching us.
Everyone had to put on a PFD before we could walk down to where the boats were.