Thursday, April 20, 2017

Kindergarten Engineers

Designing a tree to provide the most shade possible.

Working together.

Designing a structure to provide the most shade possible.

 Mmmm, you might ask your child if this was one of the structures that provided the most shade!

Tricky Teens

Have you heard anything about the Tricky Teens?  Mrs. Brown has been coming in with her friends the tricky teens for about a week now.  Perhaps you have heard your child skip the number 15 when counting.  It is pretty common.  Well,  after hearing about how 15 wasn't invited to the party, I don't think we will have any children skipping the number 15 any more.  When I came back in after Mrs. Brown and friends were here today, all of your children were VERY excited that 15 IS invited to the party after all.  You might ask your child about the Tricky Teens to see what they have to say.

15 is so sad because he didn't get an invitation to 10's party.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Band

The best kindergarten writing is always when children decide they NEED to communicate with people.  Last week a group of kids decided to form a band.  Hunter, Quincy, Fred, Tasneem, Maxim, and Jack decided they wanted to perform for their friends at recess.  Here is what they wrote:

Sign on left says "Band will play at recess today.  Maxim, Jack, Tasneem, Fred, Quincy, Hunter"
Then we went and made copies of their posters and they put some up in each kindergarten classroom, our hallway, and the cafeteria.  We got some notes from the other kids.  This one asks "Can we dance at recess today when you are playing your band?"  The blue "yes" is an answer from one of the band members.

  Then they performed at recess, but from what I heard, Ibrahim was the only one in their audience.  When everyone came in from recess, some children from the other rooms said they couldn't find the band at recess. So... some children from the other rooms even wrote notes to our students.  We decided that if they are going to perform this week, they have to let the other kids know where to find them, so I see more signs in our future! I hope that your children are finding the need to write signs, letters, and stories at home too.  These are fun and worth keeping!!

Friday, April 7, 2017

Morning Movement

They've got the moves!
 Miss Sarah came in again this week for Morning Movement.  Your children are loving learning new dance moves.  What a great way to start our Wednesdays!

Champ Came to Visit

Waiting for our special guest.
Champ came to visit Chamberlin School to kick off our Lake Monsters Fundraiser.  Your children were super excited to see Champ!

If you want to join other Chamberlin folks at a Lake Monster's game in June, please return those envelopes.

Champ is here!

We Love Mo Willems!

Tanis reading an Elephant and Piggie book to Yifei.

Jack reads one of the pigeon books to his friends.

Your children are nuts about the Pigeon series and the Elephant and Piggie books by Mo Willems.  At this time of the year they can actually read many of these books.  They don't know it yet, but we will soon have a day to celebrate all of this great reading.  I will keep you posted!