Friday, September 28, 2018

A Typical Morning

We start our day with your children coming in, washing their hands and making their lunch choice.  Then they check in with the teacher to start their day.  Children choose from multiple Explore stations.  Explore is a time to play with friends, figure out how to handle disagreements appropriately, share materials, take turns, etc...  
Cavan and Leon play at the barn station.
Coloring is a popular choice for your children.

Children playing at "City"

After Explore, we have our Morning Meeting.  We greet each other, play games and sing songs during this time.  We also read our morning message and work on early literacy skills.

Our routine is changing as your children develop more stamina for work.  Our morning time is full of literacy work.  There is phonics instruction, early reading, time to make projects related to books we read, and lots of breaks built in to our schedule.
Playing a rhyming game with Mrs. McLane

We are readers!

This is a project we made after reading the book Wemberly Worried.

Willoughby Wallabee Woo

Do you know the song "Willoughby Wallabee Woo"?  If not, your kindergartener can sing it for you.  Look for our newest book, coming out next week, tentatively titled, "Willoughby Wallabee Wour, A Mabel Sat on Room Four".
Willoughby Wallabee Wase an elephant sat on ....

Willoughby Wallabee Wiley, an elephant sat on...

Willoughby Wallabee Woskar, an elephant sat on...

Willoughby Wallabee Waria, an elephant sat on...

This is how many of us would react if an elephant sat on us!

Another strong reaction to Mabel sitting on him!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Beginning of the Year 2018-2019

 We have been VERY  busy in Room 4 this year.  Here are a few pictures to give you a little window into our days at school.  The top picture is us letting one of our butterflies go.
Reading with Mrs. McLane

Lots of friends LOVE to color.  This is excellent fine motor practice, and they don't even know it!!

Playing with pattern blocks

Lining up to go somewhere important!

We read the book The Rainbow Fish and made some beautiful rainbow fish.

Our first assembly.

Fifth graders gave flowers to us to welcome us to Chamberlin.  

Our first Farm 2 School lesson.