Wednesday, October 18, 2017

An Afternoon of Board Games

Our school filled our hive again.  The fifth graders voted and chose an afternoon of board games as their reward.  We squeezed our academics in this morning, then got to play this afternoon.  Here are a few photos of your children "hard at play"!!
Headbandz! (this group was the LOUDEST!!!)

Playing 21.  I didn't see any gambling going on...

I was told I had to take a picture of these hands!

Trouble!  (I am talking about the game, not these three perfect children!)

Monopoly Junior seemed fun.

Farm 2 School

All classrooms at Chamberlin participate in Farm 2 School classes once per month.  This month your children actually got to cook!  Your kids are great about trying new things in this class. Everyone loved last week's creation.

Swiss Chard apparently makes them very happy!

Everyone made a "My Plate" drawing in our classroom when they weren't cooking with Miss Meg.

Science Experiments

We have done quite a few experiments this year with plants as part of our ecosystem unit.  So far, MOST of them have not done quite what we expected.  Hmmm... that's how science sometimes works.  Here are a few pictures that might spark some conversation about what we have been doing if you show them to your child.

We made a terrarium to see how a mini ecosystem works.

Believe it or not, it is still alive, and we made it over a month ago.

We have not opened it or added any water.  The plants are growing like crazy!

The slurp experiment.  Designed to show how water travels through roots and stems.

Madison went home and made her own terrarium.  It is still alive too.

We learned about photosynthesis.  Thought that if we masked this leaf it would affect photosynthesis... we couldn't see any changes after this poor plant had it's leaf masked for nearly a week!

These friends planted seeds in eggshells.  We were hoping the roots would break through.... not yet!

These friends covered the stomata (holes in leaves) with vaseline.  

We thought the leaves would not be able to help with photosynthesis with their stomata clogged.  Mmmm... you might ask your child if we were right.